Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 249 km SW of Tual, Indonesia
حظرت أستراليا خدمات DeepSeek AI من جميع الأنظمة والأجهزة الحكومية
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 140 km SSW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
A factory fire in Sydney's west has forced streets into lockdown and mass evacuations.Gas bottles could be seen exploding high into the air as chemicals at the liquid waste site fuelled the intense flames that are expected to burn into the night
Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - 140 km N of Tobelo, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 102 km S of Waingapu, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - southeast of the Loyalty Islands
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 62 km E of Luganville, Vanuatu
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 45 km NNE of Ternate, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 9 km SW of Tubajon, Philippines
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 164 km SW of Ambon, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 165 km SW of Nabire, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - southeast of the Loyalty Islands
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 110 km S of Houghton Bay, New Zealand
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 131 km WNW of Malango, Solomon Islands
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 81 km S of Pundong, Indonesia
1 الشهر منذتحدث وزير الدفاع الأمريكي يوم الخميس مع وزير الدفاع الياباني الجنرال ناكاتاني. "أكد المسؤولان على أهمية تعميق التعاون الدفاعي لتعزيز الردع وتعزيز رؤية مشتركة لمنطقة المحيطين الهندي والهادئ الحرة والمفتوحة" وفقًا لبيان أمريكي.
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - 152 km E of Kirakira, Solomon Islands
Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 - 66 km SSE of Blangpidie, Indonesia
إندونيسيا تستهدف إنتاج 900 ألف برميل في 24 ساعة - مليون برميل في 24 ساعة من النفط بحلول 2028-2029
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 70 km NNW of Hirara, Japan
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 115 km ESE of Sanana, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 173 km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 78 km W of Kendari, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 72 km W of Kendari, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 81 km W of Kendari, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - 206 km W of Gorontalo, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 15 km SSW of Pahiatua, New Zealand
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - northwest of New Zealand